Holiday Social Media Posting Do’s and Don’t

More than 9 out of 10 adults are online using social media, and sometimes it can surprise you with more conflict than connection.  Here are some ways to be merry and bright all year long without accidentally being offensive or posting up trouble:

1. Not everyone will celebrate the same things that you do, and people online may get offended by some subject material that you may post.  Include them when posting your holiday cheer.  In a courteous, respectful way, remember that ours is a diverse world so your posts are best when they include respect for others’ beliefs too.

2. “Food Porn” is the “art” of posting your food online so the world can see the beautiful dish that someone has created for you.  Well, people online have developed a tendency of posting too much… and that can not only get annoying in excess, it can make you look vain to those who don’t have the luxury of having every dish be a pricey work of art.  It’s ok to post a dish or two but remember that too much “food porn” will get you on the “dislike” list real quick. Simple tip – as yourself, “is this really unique enough for me to ‘feature’ it?”

3. As always with driving while drinking, you should also use your absolute best judgment.  With social media now being the first place people (including employers and law enforcement) go to find out anything and everything about someone, the last thing is that you want to openly post “What you’re drinking on.”  If you do plan to post any pictures of yourself drinking, make sure that your settings on your social media platform are locked down so no one can ever try to say or use these moments against you. In more serious situations even your private posts can be pulled up to illustrate your character, so keep it classy!

4. Speaking about drinking, please, please DO NOT EVER POST DRUNK PHOTOS OF ANYONE THAT COULD EVEN BE REMOTELY EMBARRASSING. We know that it is funny to see someone “out of pocket” at a party but please keep their feelings – and their liability – in mind when posting any photos on your social media feed, and don’t tag them without their permission!  Again, private or not, these photos are fair game when it comes to employment background checks and legal matters, and sharing your funny holiday moment could accidentally cost your friend his/her job.  Email them to mutual friends but use your best judgment when posting on a social platform.

5. Respect others’ beliefs and wishes.  You don’t agree with everything you see online, do you?  Take the approach of that if someone posts something that you may not agree with, rather than argue with them online just ignore it and move on.  These days, people feel that their social media profile is an online barrier online and their personal soapbox on which they can beat on their chest and post things they never would have said in face-to-face conversation.  So rather than get caught up in online drama, it’s best to avoid it completely.

6. Keep yourself and your kids safe!  Social media is unfortunately one of the worst things to happen to personal safety.  Everyone loves to post pictures of kids, and who doesn’t like them?  Unless your privacy settings are strict enough so that only your close friends and loved ones can see the pictures, they might be “liked” by people you don’t even know.  Keep your geo-tagging off so no one can follow your every step, especially on kids’ photos, and take the time to know how much information you’re giving away every time you log on.

There are other rules out there but these cover the basics of respectful, happy online socializing.  Here’s to a great holiday and a fun, safe new year for you & those you love!